The Jewelled Moon Theatre Company present The Muses of Ourania

  • Holly Jade O'Leary
  • nathan french

A play directed by Holly Jade O'Leary which explores the human relationship to animals and the environment, and a journey through myth. Ballet, circus arts, immersive theatre and high fashion couture combine in a creative production commissioned by Viona Art Studio, Schloss Heinrichhorst Castle.

The Muses of Ourania (2016)
The cast included Andrea Galad, Chiara Fersini, Avital Williams, Nathan French, Anna Kennedy, Sorcha Jane, Lady Dellal, Michael Kmica, film by Yann Stphpt, photograohy by Martjin Krujff, production assistance by Kimatica Studio. Costumes by Holly Jade O'Leary, Nathan French, Rosie Von Boschan. Make up and head dresses by Magdelena Chiconska. Concept, script, casting and direction by Holly Jade O'Leary.
Guests are met at the entrance of the castle by the muses. They remove their shoes, their hands are washed and they are given a tincture to drink, and lead to be seated for a Japanese Tea Ceremony. From the table, they watched the production unfold.
They are on a journey to Ourania. In the enchanted gardens, filled with sculptures, nature is alive. A feline snake dryad falls from the air, is it a bird? Is it a cat? Is it a woman?
Oriental Tribal Dancers first appear to be slender silver trees, moving under the breath of the wind. Eventually the journey leads to the gates of the castle, where the audience is met by a golden Siren. Will she let you pass?
Inside the castle, Ourania is hosting a banquet, and mythic creatures are visiting to join her. They bring gifts, speak of their travels. All of the constellations are here, time is still and beautiful, and they shine in illumination. Anyone could travel through stars, through time. Even Victory is here, with a golden chariot, wreathed in flowers. The Peacock Angel performs a dance of 1000 eyes.
One of the cherubims begins to weep as a feather falls from his wings, and the frivolities cease. He takes a feather in his hand and draws a circle in air, and the an image of Earth from a distance appears. Another cherubim spins Earth from within a globe, and more of the beautiful, plump cherubs join them. They are sad, because 15 billion birds have been trapped behind cages on earth, and illuminate a gold cage, pushed the the brim with frightened creatures.
From here, the Elven Prince, appears to take the guise of a winged spirit, joined by Venus Lakshmi in her pale feathers. The plight of the caged birds become their plight, communicated through ballet, within choreography which moves from flight to imprisonment, and their ethereal movements become a voice, an echo, which Ourania answers.
As an organ resounds in a dramatic eturgy, Ourania opens the cage, and Venus Lakshmi soars into the air, free.
The muses flock to the stage within their silvery, enchanting robes, the air is twinkling, and they set roses within the hair of the guests, and the guests of the banquet.
Red Lady Faith appears in a hoop, and a spanish guitarist draws classical music from the strings of the guitar. The characters move from the banquet to dance. A whisk shivers across drums, and a Latin beat. The dancers partner in the ballroom for a spectacular finale.
Holly Jade O'Leary coordinated all aspects of the production including choreography, stage management, casting, contract negotiations, costumes, set designers, sound technicians, lighting design, and hair and make up artists.
The project management role oversaw content creation, video and photography, graphic design and promotional materials. She handled and directed all aspects of the music including coordination of the PA, backline and set up, mixing the video projections to evoke ambience using Final Cut, and provided a musical narrative which incorporated both live and recorded compositions.
Excel was used to manage revenue, budgeting, financial projections and account management. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign and Adobe Photoshop for content creation and Word for communications to a high level of proficiency.

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