The Lavender Co.

  • Megan Fry

‘Growing Lavender for the community.’ Challenge: Create a new brand experience for Somerset Lavender (farm) and challenge the purpose/visual identity of Lavender products. Insight: Located in rural Somerset, the farm is rather quaint/small in size. Those who live in these rural communities/locations can often find themselves isolated and feeling lonely. Solution: The Lavender Co. - Company, Community and Collaboration.

Brand Statement:
At our family-run lavender farm in rural Somerset, we produce a range of handmade, natural products with a twist - they do more than just bring a sense of calm and clarity. They’re also on a mission to alleviate loneliness for communities across the UK through creating opportunities to share and grow our collective passion for this wonderful plant. With help from locals and passing visitors, we believe that through working together we can make our community a happier place. Each product is unique and tells a different story from those who helped make it.
Logo Designs:
Values - playful, human, natural and inclusive.
The logo and illustrations are handwritten for a more natural and handmade aesthetic. The wordmark especially conveys these qualities as it can be seen as a face to suggest the community.

To achieve a more Somerset feel, I asked a friend of mine to pronouce the brand name to act as an audible inspiration in order to emphasise the letters that are elongated when spoken in a Somerset accent - thanks Jess!
Brand Assets:
By using a core colour pallet of lilac, light grey and black, the additional colours add energy and playfulness to the brands’ identity. The illustrations and shapes suggest the movements made when using a certain product i.e. shampoo = water falling in the shower.
Product Packaging:
This range of products provides its customers with opportunities for moments of calmness to suit their daily routines i.e. day time to night time products.

Each label will be made by a collaborator/s who has attended a workshop. However, the informative label will be added towards the end, to allow each unique design to be legible and have a sense of consistency.
Protective Packaging:
Each product will be placed inside a brown, cardboard tube to contain its additional contents and protect its label from being damaged during delivery etc.
Delivery Pack:
Through its mission to alleviate loneliness in across the UK, The Lavender Co. have produced additional content to help their customers feel more involved within their community. With each product, the customer will also receive:
A thank you card explaining the companies values, a small booklet to tell the customer of whom helped make their product, some lavender seeds to grow at home and a guide on how to plant the seeds.

This content also includes a set of postcards to encourage customers to re-engage with their neighbours by making them aware of what they can do to help i.e. having a cuppa or looking after their dog whilst away. In doing so, each neighbour receives a 20% discount code as after all, that’s what being neighbours is all about - sharing.
Workshop Material:
During each workshop, collaborators will be asked to record their name, hometown and phone number to make it easier for the group to stay in contact and be recognised by the company for their hard work i.e. to be featured on the collaborator gallery.
On the farm and during workshops, aprons will be worn to protect people from the mess and help identify individuals such as team members to collaborators.
Farm > Home:
Whether you visit the farm or have your products delivered straight to your door, The Lavender Co. takes pride in carefully transporting them to you in a way that continues to share their mission.
A place for the whole Lavender community to come together - through sharing/learning tips and tricks for growing Lavender at home, to taking part in projects within their local communities/neighbourhoods.
- Full UX walk through is on its way!
Work in progress - further ideas and applications in the pipe line!