The Magic ingredient for success

  • Jessica Dance

6 steps for cultivating the habit of persistence. Today I’m sharing the magic ingredient which has been the key to reaching all of my goals. That magic ingredient is persistence. I have set myself lots of goals over the years, and I have coached hundreds of creatives that set wonderful goals. What I have observed is that persistence is the difference between success and failure. A lack of persistence is what keeps most people from accomplishing their goals. Continue reading below....

Today I’m sharing the magic ingredient which has been the key to reaching all of my goals. That magic ingredient is persistence.
I have set myself lots of goals over the years, and I have coached hundreds of creatives that set  wonderful goals. What I have observed is that persistence is the difference between success and failure.
A lack of persistence is what keeps most people from accomplishing their goals. I want to encourage you not to quit when things don't work out the first time. This is where you have the opportunity to succeed or fail.

To succeed at anything you need to be willing to firstly attempt it. If your attempt didn't get you the desired result, this is the point where you have the opportunity to assess and learn from your first attempt and then try again with the knowledge you’ve gained .

This willingness to attempt, then assess, then go again, is how we cultivate the habit of persistence.

If you are willing to go the extra mile when it feels like you are wading through porridge, I promise you that on the other side, you will see the abundance and success that is yours because you had the courage to persist.
It is essential to build your awareness and take care of your subconscious mind when your are practicing becoming persistent. Notice what you are thinking and consciously decide to think thoughts that align with your goal AND let yourself get excited about your goal. Really build that desire otherwise your subconscious mind will offer up thoughts based on what it already knows, which will have you creating the same old results. Mindset work and persistence teamed with a practical plan will lead to success.
Persistence is a state of mind which means it can be cultivated.

Here are my 6 steps for cultivating the habit of persistence

1.Define what your goal is, get really clear and paint a mental picture of it everyday. When you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night, write your goal like it has already been achieved. E.g “I am so happy I achieved X this month because X “
2. Create a clear plan of all the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal, break the steps down into tiny chunks and schedule them on your calendar
3. Make multiple attempts part of your process
4. When you attempt something and it doesn't work out, evaluate what worked, what didn't and based on this information decide what to tweak when you make your next attempt
5. Be willing to refine and build your knowledge in the process, become an expert in your field 6. Decide it will be yours, trust in the process

If you love this and you’re ready to start building a life that your future self will thank you for, you can with me book a clarity call with me You just need to be curious and excited to take it to the next level!