The New Now App

  • Ed Kraftman

iOS App. Re­leased: Sep­tem­ber 2016 Available on the Apple App Store Cre­ated in col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Egor Kraft & Alexan­der Let­cius Coded: Alex Linkov The app dis­plays a run­ning text of a re­lent­lessly repet­i­tively line: “…This very mo­ment, has al­ready be­come the past – This very…” etc. Ap­pli­ca­tion idea is based on the artis­tic work by Egor Kraft & Alexan­der Let­cius , seen on the right. How­ever in the case of be­ing placed in me­dia con­text the work, by re­lent­lessly man­i­fest­ing the mo­ment of now be­comes an in­stru­ment of re­turn­ing view­ers at­ten­tion back to the ex­is­tence in the pres­ence and ‘re­al­i­ty’, rather than im­mers­ing in vir­tu­al­ity, which as we know, me­dia tends to cause. Re­veal­ing the hyp­notic prop­erty of any time-based me­dia and semi­otic fea­tures of text, The work is sug­gested as a mon­u­ment to the ir­re­versibil­ity of the flow of time and the weak­nesses of analy­sis, as a method of com­pre­hend­ing, or sim­ply just as a dig­i­tal mantra.

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