"The Opposite Sex" Stage Production - Poster Advert

  • Ollie Wilson

Early 2018, about two years into my venture into graphic design, my skills were needed to create a poster for a stage production of "The Opposite Sex" in doing so setting a theme for the whole publicity campaign to follow. This was the first time I relied wholly on my Blender 3D skills for the focus of the artwork. The tabletop and all of the props haphazardly strewn around were all created and rendered by me in Blender (save for the sock and the bra). Adobe CC software was then used for the logo. Due to the limits of my computer at the time the spilled wine could not be done through a sort of fluid simulation which is what I would now attempt, and the poly-count would be increased dramatically. However, I find that even now, I can happily rely on my 3D design skills regardless as to the specification of the work.