The passion for cooking has never been changed by the exotic environment

  • Jiasi Li

Although I usually struggle with the future direction of my work, there are some keywords I had never wavered ── cuisine, cate, pastries, gourmet. I know that exploring, spreading, and cooking food is a very meaningful career which is worthwhile to devote my whole life. Whenever I cook, it feels like I am surrounded by happiness as food can directly determine human well-being, so, is the work I'm doing any different from that of scientists? I'm also keen to meet more food professionals and know more about their stories in the hide because I believe the persons who respect food and taste buds must be active and love their life with all hearts. These are part of the dishes I cooked after arriving at the UK. I have always been in the process of learning from recipes or cooking videos while practicing them in person. To further improve my baking skills, I applied for a pastries course at le cordon bleu which will start in July 2020.