The Power of W.A.R

  • Emily Keate

THE POWER OF WAR, a scheme that in association with UNICEF seeks to raise awareness of the sheer brutality children living in war and conflict zones are experiencing, after war and conflict occurs. Through education and awareness highlighted through the schemes varying platforms, the scheme sees fundraising and donations take place, enabling them to respond to help children desperately in need.

The app informs the user in real time of war and conflict occurring, giving them the option to learn more. There’s the option to see how people are fundraising. Once you’ve donated you can monitor how your donation is helping children in need; checking back sporadically to see future progress, providing children in need with a safer, better future.
The step by step progression of a child in war and conflicts day, through way-finding stickers across the UK, seeing a rise in awareness and donations for the scheme. A QR code connects to the app, encouraging greater awareness and access to the donations and fundraising platform.
Pop-up stands as an end point to the way-finding stickers, providing the user with the opportunity to speak to a team scheme member; gaining greater insight into the children affected. Donation forms give the option of donating.