Emily Keate

Emily Keate

Graphic DesignerBournemouth, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Joey Lee
Emily Keate

Emily Keate

Graphic DesignerBournemouth, United Kingdom
About me
Hello! I’m Emily, a graphic designer and creative thinker. A desire to create work for good, fuels my eagerness to seek out projects that give me the ability to create positive change to society in the outcomes I produce. Working with others I enjoy exploring and contributing through different mediums of approach to create responses that are bespoke to the needs of the brief. Whilst my love for illustration and bold use of colour is something, I really enjoy relevantly incorporating into the work I produce, such as packaging and branding. I'd love to hear from you! My email address is emilykeate@hotmail.com
  • The Power of W.A.R
    The Power of W.A.RTHE POWER OF WAR, a scheme that in association with UNICEF seeks to raise awareness of the sheer brutality children living in war and conflict zones are experiencing, after war and conflict occurs. Through education and awareness highlighted through the schemes varying platforms, the scheme sees fundraising and donations take place, enabling them to respond to help children desperately in need.
  • Taste of Spain; Campo Viejo
    Taste of Spain; Campo ViejoCampo Viejo‭; ‬The Taste of Spain‭, ‬a rebranding of the steeped in heritage brand‭, ‬seeing a stripped down modern approach to the packaging design‭, ‬touching on relevant‭ ‬technological trends to see the expansions of its current consumer base into a‭ ‬broader target market‭.
  • YOLK
    YOLKShortlisted for JDO Mash Made In Heaven Awards 2020. A refreshingly juicy mango sorbet, with caviar, generously mixed within it, making up the flavoursome food product, YOLK. The mango sorbet caviar aimed at millennial target consumers, which see’s them introduced to a fresh and contemporary new and unexpected food combination. The branding is centred around the contents of the product using fish illustrations and contrasting organic yellow and orange formations, further evoke the brand's eager
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Projects credited in
  • Arts University Bournemouth, BA (Hons) Graphic Design
    Arts University Bournemouth, BA (Hons) Graphic DesignAs a graphic designer, you'll have to react quickly to new information, exploring new audiences, evolving briefs and recognising advances in technology. Taking risks, asking questions, discovery, experimentation, and reflection are values encouraged on our course. There is no 'right answer' and you will be supported to find your own path to develop, specialist skills and creative design strategies. We encourage you to bring your own experiences to your work. We value human centered, conceptual a
Work history
    Graphic DesignerDM PR and Marketing
    Exeter, United KingdomPart Time
    I worked in house, from July through till the beginning of September, then from that point to present day I have been working remotely whilst being in my final year of study at University. During this time I have worked as part of a team doing work such as logo, leaflet, and poster design. In addition to this, I have helped adapt and develop client websites.
    Arts University Bournemouth logo
    Arts University Bournemouth logo
    BA (Hons) Graphic DesignArts University Bournemouth
    Bournemouth, United Kingdom
    Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, Graphic Design (DISTINCTION)Exeter College
     - Exeter, United Kingdom