The Rise : Nike Women

  • Shakaiah Perez
The zine was created as a part of the relaunch of the Nike Cortez. As a shoe, the Cortez is not definable, nor fixed in any particular time or place. It is both timeless and adaptable, allowing the wearer to express their style and personality - Holly Sarah Burgess
"Living in a world where I am constantly reminded that I am a minority and that I will never fully belong in one place is something that will be with me forever but it's about being able to find and embrace beauty withi these not so beautiful experiences."
-Shakaiah Perez
"I was raised in a way where the divinity and reality of woman was complex and holy, the idea of country was always connected to people and empathy was a priority".
- Jahra Wasasala
"Being born in this body is adversity but it is also a blessing. If it wasn't for my sun-kissed melanin I wouldn't be able to wake up each morning, smile, and take on everything with grace, passion , intent, power and magic".
- Makanaka Tuwe

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