The Royal Family

  • Ottway Claris

A huge audience, of all ages and from across the world can be updated on the lives of the Royals as they change and grow. The rise of social media has meant that the households are sharing more candid and intimate content with the public - creating genuine and relateable connections. However, the Royals lacked any sort of website that brought content from social and archive, events and other sources together. 


To successfully bring the social and the vast amount of additional content together, I wanted to design a solution that would allow content related to eachother to freely intertwine regardless of its source. I came up with the idea of an infinity wall (informally known as the "binge wall") of content, an endless page of content that could be scrolled through, in a similar way to magazines and social media. Each piece of content was designed to be a bitesize preview so any user type would be able to understand it. 
One of the design challenges of the website was coming up with a way of navigating to specific or curated content without breaking the user's browsing and activity. Navigating the site needed to be easy for a huge audience so it was vital it met the needs of the tech-savvy to those with basic skills. Through discussions and collaboration, the solution was to create a search bar that acted as a title for either custom searches or curated searches, as well as a subtle menu for those who felt truly uncomfortable 


For the arrival of Princess Charlotte, I created the graphic for the online announcement of the birth of the Princess. The design to graphically illustrate the scene as it would look at Buckingham Palace, giving those across the world a feel of what it'd be like to see it first hand. 
I also designed a set of social media templates for Clarence House to use, they were designed to be on-brand and be used to make particular content stand out e.g. a quote from The Duchess of Cornwall at a toyal visit or event.  


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