Anna Zamora's take on the classic opera Tale of Hoffman using high fashion pieces to address the theatrical scenery in a modern way. Underlined by an opera like set design, hair and make up creation. Photographer : Jacob A Sztor @jacobsztor @jacobsztorarchive Creative Director + Stylist: Anna Zamora @annazamor.a Set Designer : Sacha L Nicette @sachalaurennicette MUA: Alisa Aronson @beautybyalice Hairstylist: Alex Sarghe @alexsarghe Stylist Assistant: Ally Lux @ally.lux Model: SiuHei Kidd @siuhei_dd @revoltmodelagency wearing Anna Zamora, Luis De Javier, Andres Sarda, Soft Skin Latex, Stef Van Looveren, Gabriella Marina Gonzalez