The Telegraph x CRUK

  • Katherine Scott

Spark, the commercial division of the Telegraph, partnered with Cancer Research UK on a cross-platform partnership looking back at how far the treatment and diagnosis of cancer has come. The key focus of the campaign was to drive charitable donations.

Central to the partnership is an impressive stop frame animation (produced by our in-house video team) which charts some of the most significant breakthroughs Cancer Research UK has seen since 1902.
As part of our commitment to supporting the campaign, Spark made a £10,000 donation once we achieved 10,000 shares of the video page.
Alongside the video we ran six informative longread articles, two quizzes and SEO-lead features. The brightly animated longread below reveals everything you need to know about prevention, risk factors and the new technology that’s changing the way cervical cancer is treated.
To help the client achieve their main objective of charitable donations I was resposible for producing direct response placements across the content. These placements included a sticky 'Donate now' button which followed you down articles along with several bold and bright creatives seeded throughout the campaign.