The Ultimate Guide to the Estonian e-Residency Program for Freelancers

  • Maja Nenadov Webster

Freelancing is all about being free to travel and work, regardless of where you are physically based. With instant payments and the ability to Zoom with anyone across the world, the idea of being limited to a certain country is looking increasingly old fashioned. One of the most exciting developments for those who want to work internationally is a successful initiative from Estonia’s innovative, tech-savvy government. 99% of the Estonian government’s services are available online, which is why Estonia has been able to seamlessly offer their e-Residency to more than 60,000 people across the world already. They began offering e-residency, to encourage entrepreneurs and freelancers to make use of their online infrastructure, and start Estonian based businesses. Having actually been through the process myself, and setting up an Estonian, EU based business – Destination Marketing – I want to help others work out whether this is a programme that can help them or not, and many of the pros and cons. So I’m writing this article for my past-self and aiming to include everything I wanted to know in one article. I’m putting it here with the hope that I will help some of you, offer some clarity, or at least save you time on doing your own in-depth research. Continue reading here: