The Unicorn Index

  • Aleksandra Szymanska A gamified test that measures your company’s Unicorn* potential. The microsite was created for fintech brand ePayments for the Mobile World Congress 2019. The objective was to create engagement during the show and to position the brand as a partner for tech startups. The game takes the player through a series of speculative situations and rates them based on answers selected. The playful, naive aesthetic and use of isometric perspective reference early video game graphics. *Unicorn. A start-up company valued at more than a billion dollars, typically in the software or technology sector.

Illustration - Julian Glander
Website development - Deeply Digital
Graphic design - Queenie Wong and Fabiana Fiamingo
Illustration - Julian Glander
Website development - Deeply Digital
Graphic design - Queenie Wong and Fabiana Fiamingo