They Come Out At Night - Reebok X Create Jobs X Magnum Photos

  • Rivka Cocker

WRITE YOUR LEGACY - Brief set by Reebok If I could determine a legacy left for future generations of women and non-binary folk, it would be for them to fully express themselves and not live in fear. When asked what they would do if there were no men for 24 hours, the most common response was to walk, run, or party in the city at night. These are not wild demands. ‘No men for 24 hours’ acts as a metaphor for the widespread fear of male violence toward women and those who experience gender-based oppression. What would a world without this look like?

Write Your Legacy - 3D virtual exhibition by Magnum Photos x Create Jobs | art.spaces | KUNSTMATRIX
(see this series exhibitied online alongside other young photographers)
Full series available @rivkacockerphoto