They fancy you

  • Jas Sykes

These fine-liner sketches are the start of a new series exploring a sense eroticism. With regards to my series Untitled 2016-present (Juxtapositions), I insisted on a complete lack of objectification, achieved through factors such as missing out the nipples so that the figures remain as forms. This series of sketches is undeniably and unashamedly sexual. However, as opposed to many erotic artworks in the past, the power lies with the figure rather than with the viewer. They are sexual because they want to be.

In some illustrations I drawn the people to be slightly more masculine or feminine than convention would assume to address gender fluidity.
I find a sort of pleasure in deceiving the audience somewhat. Those who still retain trans-, homo-, or other phobic notions of that sort, resist any affiliation to those who identify as, or show that they are, gay, trans, gender fluid - essentially LGBTQIA. I like to think they will unwillingly find my illustrations erotic and it will trigger that part of their brain they push down, leaving them knowing of what they are hiding. This is referenced by the title They fancy you because prejudices, particularly homophobia, is in part from a fear that they are going to hit on you.