Top 10 Grocery Store Tips (from a Health Coach)

  • Stefania Xytakis (Nia)

Navigating the grocery store is hard, especially in a fractured system where there's temptation at every turn. ** Here's some easy-to-implement tips for having a cart filled with balance and variety.

1) Avoid grocery shopping when you’re hungry
2) Stay out of aisles you don’t need anything from
3) When in doubt, choose the item with less ingredients
4) Pick 1 different fruit/veggie per trip to the grocery store
5) Quickly look over produce to make sure it’s still good
6) Check expiration dates on perishable items
7) Pick treats with 10 grams of sugar or less
8) Spend some time looking for good deals
9) Alternate among your local grocery stores
10) Be kind to the people who keep the place running