Tour Posters

  • Nadia Fontana

These were posters created for Go Chi Minh's first U.K. tour. They were designed to be used for advertising on Instagram. I created three main versions in different dimensions for a Instagram story, Instagram portrait post, and Instagram landscape post (this illustration was posted first as a teaser before the tour dates were confirmed, featuring only the band and supporting artist Pink Eye Club as comic book characters). The poster was Planet of the Apes themed as their tour was entitled "Planet of the Japes". The main poster details the tour dates and cities they will be performing, with each city name under each character stood in a line reminiscent of the Evolution of Man. There were different variations of the poster for each city specifying each lineup, with the city appearing to have been circled with a red marker pen. This was to showcase to those who may only see one poster that there are also other cities they're performing in, this means if someone sees the London poster but they live in Manchester, they know to look out for the Manchester dates, therefore maximising reach.