Tousle (Live Brief)

  • Alberto Castillo

JDO Raw 2024 Live Brief. This was a live brief set at in my final year of University. I was tasked to create a personal care brand inspired by an Olympic Sport. The Olympic Sport I had chosen was Women's Wrestling and the Personal Care product was Detangler Hair Spray. I wanted to create a brand which emphasised elegance and high end but also being inclusive aswell as diverse by celebrating all women's hair types. The brands name is a play on the words: Tussle (to struggle or to fight) and Tousle (to make a person's hair untidy) as I thought it would resonant perfectly with my Olympic Sport. The iconography I created using Adobe Illustrator resembles an Olympic Wrestling ring which is an iconic part of the sports history within the Olympics. The logo its self was created again through Adobe Illustrator, I wanted to create a typographic logo which was fluid and resembles the movements of the wrestler's aswell as being all "tangled".