Type Tasting Lab presents: Trend Jam

  • Sarah Hyndman

Let’s chat about the trends we’ve seen Monday 11th October 2021 8–9am BST / 12–1pm BST / 8–9pm BST (time to be chosen by vote) Free, invitation only* Nine people from around the world chat together on Zoom for one hour. All professions, backgrounds and experience levels are welcome. • Each participant brings a recent trend they’ve noticed to share with the group. • One image and two minutes to introduce it. • 30-minutes for a group discussion. We’ll explore each of the trends and discuss what we think they reveal about today’s cultural attitudes. The focus is on type and lettering, but maybe you’ve seen something else and you’d like to discuss how it might be reflected in typography? It could be something so fleeting or local that only you noticed it. Or something huge that feels like it reflects a big cultural moment. Or a hint of something in the future. It could be on packaging, social media, websites, fashion, events, museums, music, virtual reality... This is an informal and friendly session sitting around a virtual Zoom table with a supportive and encouraging group. All opinions are valid but conversations must be positive and respectful. Please have your camera and mic on. *HOW TO BE INVITED (and find out more) Fill in the form at https://www.typetasting.com/roundtables