U by Kotex - Axe the Tampon Tax

  • Ash Myburgh

For the past 18 years in Australia, women have had to pay GST on feminine hygiene products because they were deemed “luxury items.” As any female will tell you, feminine care products essential for the majority of women and this tax was nothing short of unfair. In October 2018, the Australian government announced they were finally going to lift this controversial tax, so U by Kotex had something to celebrate. As this liberation fit very well with their brand message of “Period or not, she can”, we proactively decided to respond to the news in order to be the first brand to champion this announcement. Within 24hrs, we produced a series of digital banner that would e strategically placed to appear alongside relevant articles relating to the news, with a series of digital OOH to follow. While the digital OOH placements did not proceed due to budget constraints, this suite of work demonstrates how a brand can utilise current affairs to express their brand message and respond quickly in order to stay relevant with their audience. IDEA ABOUT BLOODY TIME.