• Sasha Kluvitse

By GRETA FILMS. Against the backdrop of one of the most surreal years to date, this film aims to explore the impact and consequences of 2020 on young Londoners. It has been a year where change has been a constant, fear has overwhelmed and anxiety has become one of the main leading mental health issues around the globe. Yet in all the chaos and uncertainty, we are witness to the strength of our future generations through their powerful life-changing realisations, positive thinking and ability to connect with one another. The film offers a window into their unique and complex experiences and the hope for change they have for the future.


“At the beginning of lockdown, I was working as an Assistant Psychologist in an Addictions Service and working freelance as a Project Manager and Producer […] I was setting up jobs for the summer which is the busiest and best time [.My goal was] to work major events like festivals and football finals but that’s all gone and stopped now […]
I’m now a Trainee Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner which is just a really long way of saying I’m a trainee therapist. All my freelance work pretty much dried up but I’m still trying to do creative things […] like this being on the other side [of the camera] more”
Production and Creative Direction Greta Films
Concept Amna Qureshi
Co-direction Amna Qureshi, Vicky Grout & Irene Baque
Cinematography Irene Baque
Art Director and Set Design Alexandra Armenteras
Editing Katya Ganfeld & Irene Baque
Graphic Design @cmdp.fk
Music Morgan and Pat Gillin
Still Photography Vicky Grout
Artwork Alexandra Armenteras

Filmed at Take More Photos Studio

Featuring Shaq M, Francesca Corrieri, Amardeep Singh Sura, Sasha Kluvitse, James Drew Turner, Fernanda Dobal, Sam Lilja, Nicole Chui, Nadine Chui, Naomi Chui, Natalie Chui, Greg Banks, Jasmine Malone and Suren Seneviratne.