Visualising Research around Food, Health and Economics

  • Myah Calista
Displaying quotes and statistics from a series of talks during Bristol Healthy City week. Some very interesting points made about food being medicine - the main angle of my current project. Something I feel passionately about is the fact that 'health food' is so innacessable for low income families so I approached Betterfoods and put some signs up around the store in a world that 'imagines the door is open to everyone'.
Inspired by an article about Amazon buying Whole Foods Market that would allow their prime memebers to reap the benefits, I decided to take a more critical analysis of these inequlaities among the food industry. The final publication is in the style of a medical document with reflection on the health based content, as well as laws and legislations currently in place. This was an extremely interesting and eye opening project, highlighting aspects of the food industry I hadn’t once considered.
The given outcome derived from a conversation with the public aiming to gain as much information around the subject food and economics. I was particularly interested in the factors that may effect peoples diets and their health; in this case the unreasonable hours and necessity of convenience. Part of an ongoing series.