• Mona Cordes

‘VIVAL VIRTUEZ’ is based on the theme of 7 deadly sins. The focus of my collection lays on each of the sins character traits symbolised through print and colour. The contrasts between the characters emotions as there are f.e within characters pride vs. acedia is a main focus of the shoot and the collection itself. Other sins I am focussing on are envy, vainglory and wrath. The theme started off with a mind map with ‘FEELS’ as the centre point which was brought up from a feeling of uncertainty in the end of 2020. I had all these feeling swirling around my brain and I was trying to make sense of it all. I had recently finished university, in September 2020, and wanted to keep creating and making fully new pieces as part of a ‘mini collection’. Feelings is something I’m particularly good at and thought how to channel these into my collection to make it personal. I came across the 7 deadly sins and was immediately excited to learn more about them. The 7 deadly sins are in some way emotions and feelings which each of us have, especially during Covid times, at least for me. Feeling proud of yourself when having achieved something good for example. Feelings one’s own grace and positive self esteem. Vainglory - feeling pride with a bit of vanity, seeking acclaim, self valuation. Wrath - excessive anger, uncontrolled hatred, irrational manners. Acedia - dissatisfaction with life, self, lack of care, unable to perform, depression. Envy - instable desire, greed, jealousy of someone else’s achievements for example. I found aspects of acedia, wrath, pride, vainglory and envy which I used as characters for the looks in my thought processes and actions. Not being able to see your loved ones and to feel free, I felt stuck with myself and creative outlets only. Sometimes it felt hard to manage my momentum and it is tricky to not be hard on yourself. Feelings of wanting to be productive at all times etc coming into the brain. Also, with being a creative and a graduate in a pandemic I found it hard to stay focused and motivated. The only thing to fall back onto was yourself it felt like at times, I worked with myself, my feelings, energies and took the 7 deadly sins as my theme to develop prints and silhouettes for my collection. I was taking inspiration fromaratworks by Hieronymus Bosch ‘The 7 Deadly Sins And The Four Last Things’ which portrays the sins and Death, Judgement, Hell and Heaven in one painting. It is interesting how close these can be sometimes. We have to value what we have got at the time we live in, live in the moment and don't take things for granted too quick.