As students prepare for the Foundation Show 2018, we take a look back at Waterlow Art Park – a large-scale, public project in which 120 Foundation Art and Design Diploma: Fine Art students took over Waterlow Park and its buildings. Over the weekend of 26-28th January 2018, the students showcased painting, sculpture, moving image and performance across the park’s outside spaces, Lauderdale House and the LUX building. The series of presentations was representative of the three pathways that constitute the Fine Art curriculum area on the Foundation Art and Design Diploma: 2D, 3D and 4D. Turning Waterlow Park into a sculpture trail, the 3D students produced site-specific artworks. A total of 54 works were scattered across the grounds of the park, using grassy expanses, trees and ponds as exhibiting platforms. Students were given a site-specific brief and tasked with conceptualising their work in relation to the environmental conditions, trialling their ideas, constructing the final pieces and developing maps and promotional material – all within the space of three weeks.