'We Are Here' New Designers, Curation & Display Design

  • Kate Esslemont
  • Karina Sawyer
I was part of a small team who curated and designed our stand at New Designers 2017, exhibiting a selection of work from our Illustration Degree Show. Three of us were entirely responsible for designing and making the display systems.
We aimed to create a design which encouraged our audience to move fluidly around the space. We used plywood to give a softness to the atmosphere of the exhibition.
Contrast in the tactile and wholesomeness of the materials wood and metal stimulates the publics interaction with the exhibited artwork.
These materials communicated our visual identity as a collective.
Our exhibition design was recognised by Mark Sinclair in an article for the Creative Review (https://www.creativereview.co.uk/gradwatch-2017-new-designers/),
‘For me, Norwich University of the Arts had the best designed stand at New Designers this year – a really well thought-through series of individual displays that hung together nicely.’




    • Design