Waltham Forest is a borough located east of London city where cultural diversity and leg- acy combine together contributing to the ar- ea’s vitality. The borough’s fashion sector is an emerging player within East London’s scenario and is characterised by a set of principles that are embedded into the local community. These main aspects, such as inclusivity, heritage, craftsmanship and the special focus on sustain- ability, determine the uniqueness of Waltham Forest Fashion. However, due to its suburban location and underdeveloped circumstances, the borough has experienced socio econom- ical disadvantages, which have affected the local fashion industry. Overall, this has caused a general lack of visibility of its fashion busi- nesses. Thus, in order to tackle these problems, our report is a contribution towards the Collabora- tive Unit (a.y. 2019/2020) project Social Fab- ric, led by Dr Francesco Mazzarella, Post-Doc- toral Research Fellow at Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF), in partnership with London Bor- ough of Waltham Forest (LBWF) and Fashion District. The report works on the Mapping & Storytelling aspect of the project and docu- ments a proposal for the creation of a map of the borough’s fashion businesses and a mar- keting communication campaign followed by a strategy, aimed at creating and enhancing the social media presence of the Waltham Forest’s fashion sector.