Why you don't need to explain yourself - I Don't Give a Spoon newsletter

  • Rebecca W Morris

I spoke to Laura Edwards from LOOP Theatre in Glasgow for my newsletter, I Don't Give A Spoon. In our chat Laura gave me the lowdown on how she started up a company of boundary-breaking disabled artists! So much of our chat resonated with me and reignited my passion for art. One of the most important parts of the chat we had was on the subject of 'explaining oneself' when it comes to illness, or not being perceived as 'typical'. I've never really thought having to explain myself was necessary (though I've been made aware that it is something that others expect), and I've never felt that I needed an explanation from anyone else. This reaffirmed that for me, and I hope it does for you too. Please support my work and subscribe! https://idontgiveaspoon.substack.com/p/why-you-dont-need-to-explain-yourself . . . (ID A light yellow-beige square with a light pink block in the middle. At the top is the logo for, I Don't Give a Spoon newsletter, which is orange with royal blue writing and a pink fist holding a blue spoon at the top. Underneath it says, "a newsletter challenging ableism in the creative industries". In the middle there is a quote, which says, ""You don't need to explain yourself. It's too much information." At the bottom it also says, "this month's newsletter with laura from loop theatre".)