Side Hustle/ Exhibition


  • Emma O'Brien

"The wild woman lives in all of us. She sleeps under your chest beneath the stars. Fiery and whole she is your inner goddess. Your inner most darkest thoughts, your inner nurturer. You are her. She is you" - Women Who Run With Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes The Wild Woman Exhibition was an embodiment and representation of the female form. As a strong collective of women from different experiences, we have found common ground in the beliefs and ideas of what it is to be female/female identifying, to be feminine and to express one’s femininity and inner Wild Woman. Our works are projections of the different representations and perceptions of the mind and body. Encompassing the role of memory, love, loss, grief, respect, identity and metamorphosis in art and life. The works incorporate photography, painting, mixed media, installation, video and animation.