
  • Alexandra Lunn
  • Ieva Misiukonyte
  • Marie Boulanger

Wizz Selvey is a brand and retail expert. For her re–launch as Wizz&Co, her clients include retailers, global and indie brands. Wizz wanted a disruptive identity that would be exciting and groundbreaking; just like the brands who she works with. Themes of elegance, movement and playfulness needed to be conveyed throughout her brand identity. To create Wizz&Co’s logo and logomarque we worked with a typographer to create a custom font; the most efficient way to ensure that her brand identity embodied her work; echoing the visual identity of the dynamic brands who are breaking the boundaries of what’s possible within the beauty industry. The elegant and quirky font was designed to be coupled with an exciting gradient–so Wizz could easily stand out amongst the noise whilst being perceived as trustworthy and reliable. On the left is some work in progress which illustrated how we adopted Wizz’s values to communicate disruptiveness and elegance. Below you can find the final outcome, colour-ways and how her new visual identity is played out across all platforms.