Wolff Olins

  • Dionne Griffith
  • Sandy Suffield
Whilst here I was the PR for the London and Dubai offices. Responsible for disseminating the thought leadership of the Principals and other senior team members as well as promoting project-related news.
Together with COO (now CEO) Sairah Ashman and a crack internal team I co-curated Design Like You Give a Damn at the House of St Barnabas, the first in the Dirty Rotten Socials series in collaboration with Pioneers Post. I was responsible to putting together the list of speakers which featured co-director of design at the RSA Nat Hunter; RCA Design Interactions tutor and co-founder of Auger Loizeu James Auger; Chris McGinley from the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Age and Ability Research Lab and Steven Johnson of Collaborative Change.
The event was featured in Time Out and Design Week. Here it is on Vimeo!

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    Wolff Olins