You, Me and Working In Teams

  • Grace Gold

I recently gave an online presentation to my fellow team members, exploring how we work together. We often myopically consider that we all know how others think, and that is everyone feels the same way as 'me'. Or even if we entertain the idea that others think differently, we assume we know how they think. Actually, I would argue that this is a fatal flaw of teams and working together. We rarely take the time to be reflexive within teams. Exploring how others might think differently, due to factors like our individual personalities, beyond simply acknowledging that varying perspectives exist, helps us all to work better together. When we consider why we all think differently and how this can effect the way in which we approach situations, we can support one another in teams and flourish more as individuals. Substantive evidence is in abundance around us and we are often blind to it's benefits because we fail to consider and explore it. Lets be more REFLEXIVE!