Alana Monet

Alana Monet

Fine Artist & PhotographerUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Jenny Harrington
Alana Monet

Alana Monet

Fine Artist & PhotographerUnited Kingdom
About me
I am AlanaMonet an artist who specialises in Photography, Abstract, Psychedelic, and Surrealism Art. I create what inspires me from my external world, spiritualism, dreamscapes, and the mind. Each art piece has a tale and story of its own. I hope you enjoy delving into my world and imaginative visions! AlanaMonet is a Fine Artist Photographer who specialises in Photography, Abstract, Psychedelic, and Surrealism Art. Her journey in the Fine Arts began when she was fourteen and was graded B in Art GCSE. Since then, Alana has expanded her art legacy by creating many artworks based on Surrealism, Expressionism, and Symbolism. Her greatest inspirations are Salvador Dali, Lidia Vives, and Kyle Thompson, fine art photographers who mainly create work based on Surrealism.