- Finding Abu RishAs the tanks rolled into Beirut in 1982, a beggar pushed through the crowd. The citizens knew the man as 'Abu Rish', but they were about to discover they didn't really know him at all. For the passed few years he had lived amongst them as a homeless man, characterized for by a feather in his hat and a tent on the lawn outside the American University. His relationship with his neighbors had grown over that time, and although he had arroused the suspicions of local militia, he had earnt the people
- Future AleppoBased on the Inspiring Story of Mohammed Kteish, who began building models of fallen landmarks in his home of Aleppo out of the debris scattered amongst his war ravaged city. This project is built around emulating his work, by hosting workshops for people to participate in his journey by constructing papercrafted models, that are then digitised and captured in 3D and become a part of a Virtual Reality Aleppo. event
Work history
London, United KingdomFull Time
RedThread.Media is my independent production company specialising in transmedia projects and supported by work curating festivals and running workshops around the World.
- Ability to Create Media Plans
- Digital Interactive
- Immersive Design
- Immersive Production
- Transmedia
- Transmedia Development
- Transmedia Storytelling
- Film Directing Editing
- Independent Distribution and Online Film Marketing
- Film Distribution
- Ronda, Spain
I graduated from the Media Business School with a specialism in Multi Platform Business Development and expansion and exploitation of Intellectual Property.