Amy Dunne

Amy Dunne

Marketing ExecutiveLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Brendan McKnight
Amy Dunne

Amy Dunne

Marketing ExecutiveLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Van Gogh and Britain
    Van Gogh and BritainA major exhibition brought together over 50 works by Vincent van Gogh and revealed how he was inspired by Britain and how he inspired British artists. Mental Health Awareness week and Brexit took place during the exhibition run, a connection with dispelling Van Gogh as a tortured soul and highlighting the theme of travel and migration. Design: Tate Design Studio
  • Don McCullin
    Don McCullinThis exhibition showcases some of the most impactful photographs captured over the last 60 years. A comprehensive timeline outlines world events and conflicts which had an impact on McCullin's life and career. A comprehensive timeline outlines world events and conflicts which had an impact on McCullin's life and career. This exhibition showcases some of the most impactful photographs captured over the last 60 years. A comprehensive timeline outlines world events and conflicts which had an impac
  • Van Gogh and Britain Campaign
    Van Gogh and Britain CampaignVan Gogh and Britain 2019 Campaign
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Work history
    AKQA logo
    AKQA logo
    Marketing ExecutiveAKQA
    London NW1 2DU, UKFull Time
    TATE logo
    TATE logo
    Marketing OfficerTATE
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
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  • Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Communications
  • Brand Marketing
  • SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Brand Management
    CertificateCentral Saint Martin’s School of Art
    London, United Kingdom