Angeliki Blesiou

Angeliki Blesiou

Researcher ManagerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


vitor barreira
Kim Gerber
Angeliki Blesiou

Angeliki Blesiou

Researcher ManagerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Aspiring a trend forecasting career, currently a research manager. Background in fashion management and marketing. On the side I love creating photo based artworks with creative editing and visualising reports IG: @blaggel
  • Dazed Club Collage
    Dazed Club CollageSelf portraits mix and match
  • Fashion goes to space
    Fashion goes to spaceIllustrations for Cent magazine concerning February's fashion piece. Created on Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
  • Move on art
    Move on art
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Projects credited in
  • Home illustration - Diptyque
    Home illustration - Diptyque
Work history
    Junior Research ManagerMetrixLab
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Working on Ad-hoc projects & Trackers Multi-Channel & Multi-Market Campaign monitor and Creative Evaluation Brand Health tracking & Consumer Insights/Trends Synthesizing data to deliver meaningful actionable strategies for clients Industries clients operate: Media, Entertainment, FMCG, Travel, Fashion, etc
    Editorial Artwork internCent. Magazine
    London, United KingdomInternship
    Creating illustrations, artworks and videos for the magazine’s website and social media. Featuring brands like Alexander McQueen, etc. Managed social media accounts and increased engagement. Gained Wordpress and SEO skills.
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  • Adobe
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe Create Suite
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Photo Collage
  • Photo Editing
  • Photography
  • Research
  • Research Imagery
  • Research Insight
  • Research Projects
  • Research Visualisation
  • Academic Research
  • Competitor Research
  • Content Research
  • Design Research
  • Creative Research
  • Visual Communication
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Brand Analysis
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Communication
  • Brand Creative Strategy
  • Branding
  • Social Media
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Organisation
  • Fashion
  • Fashion Editorial
  • Fashion Campaigns
  • Time Management
  • Multi-tasking
  • Trend Spotting
  • Forecasting
  • Trend Forecasting
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) UCA - University of Creative Arts
     - Epsom, United Kingdom
    Year1: Fashion Marketing, Fashion Management, Fashion Branding and promotion, Fashion Buying and Merchandising Year 2: Trend Forecasting, Professional Practice and Industry Placement, Visual Merchandising and Experiential Retail. Year 3: Trend Forecasting, Strategic Research and Strategic Implementation & Career Planning