
angie Torres

Fine ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson

angie Torres

Fine ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
  • Mother Nature ( in-progress 2019-21)
    Mother Nature ( in-progress 2019-21)I was not sure at first of what to do for my project ( university ). I wanted to show people something different for what I have done, I wanted to challenge myself with different areas in art. So, I decided to do sculpture with wires, flowers and threads. Next, I decide to make the hands by holding the planet in her hands to represent she has us on her hands and she can destroy humanity like we are doing the same with animals and nature. Also, I did a crow to symbolise she is the queen of natur
  • Nina
    Ninamy cat .
  • Loco ( crazy )
    Loco ( crazy )I was inspired by sue Coe ,in this painting I painted 3 different skin colours and faces .The first one is an old lady , the second one it’s a young man and the last one its a kid , the reason why I choose to do this is because to show different ages and different people who eat meat or any kind of meat .Also , I make it seem like a circus because i think thats how we seems them....just like piece of meat and they see us like crazy ,lunatic ,and scary people going after them thats why i ma
  • Thanks you
    Thanks youThis painting is dedicated to all the key works who worked during this pandemic.Thanks to all doctors, nurseries, police officers, military , cleaners around the world! we really appreciate all your hard work !. Let's protect them by taking care of ourselves , families ,and friends. We will fight! we will win this virus if we stick together! we will get through this!.
  • Is this joke ?
    Is this joke ?This painting represents the prime minister of the United Kingdom ( Boris Johnson ) and the president of the United States ( Donald Trump ). Most of you guys may already be aware of the horrible, and unspeakable things this two persons has done to theirs own country and people and how theirs decisions ruined , and killed so many people . what i am trying to show in this painting is how these two person who swore to look after their people and country is only concerned about how the new virus
  • Animal Experiment
    Animal ExperimentMore than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S , such as : Mice , Rats , Dogs , Rabbits , Hamsters , guinea pigs, Monkeys in laboratories for biology lessons , medical research , chemical , drugs , food , and cosmetics testings. The research I have done , tells me , approximately 100,000-200,000 animals suffer in cosmetics every years around the world . There are Rabbits , guinea pigs , hamster , rats and mice but dogs and monkeys are use only for research , chemical , research ... guinea
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