Annemarie Sterian

Annemarie Sterian

Fashion PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Matt Willey
Steve Peck
Ash K Halliburton
Annemarie Sterian

Annemarie Sterian

Fashion PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Annemarie Sterian is an Italian artist and photographer based in London. With a background in Fine art, Architecture and Sculpture in 2015 she started practicing photography and decided to open up a photographic studio in her warehouse unit. Since then she practices her art and photography, has a home darkroom and experiments with different printing techniques.
  • Unspoken for L'Officiel Lithuania
    Unspoken for L'Officiel Lithuania
  • Kai Taylor x Fucking Young
    Kai Taylor x Fucking Young
  • Harpers Bazaar UK May 2020 print
    Harpers Bazaar UK May 2020 print
+ Show more
Projects credited in
  • Silja
    SiljaAn amazing, fun and creative shoot at one of my fave studios, Shutterhouse. Huge thanks to the team: Creative Director/Photographer: Moi Model: Silja @ Duo Hairstylist: Villane Walcott / @hairbyvillsstudio Make up artist: Blanca Diosdado / @blancadiosdado_ Stylist: Bianca Nicole/ @biiancanicole Assistance/Props: Kiera Black / @bambammadame Studio: Shutterhouse / @shutterhousestudio
  • Dream & Death
    Dream & DeathThe surreal dance of Dream&Death. Two concept, two entities, a duality in life. Dream and Death represent a part of you that you have no power over, they are there, they are beautiful and frightful at the same time. "They dance around you, within your grasp they exist. Unexpectedly they surround you, enveloping you in their arms. Once, every day, once, forever. There is no reason why, you cannot escape them, their tragic beauty hypnotise you."
  • Follow the White Rabbit
    Follow the White RabbitSleek looks for the Trinity in you. Matrix-inspired editorial for Overdue Magazine Art Direction by Tess Savina Photography by Annemarie Sterian Styling by Natalie Yuksel Makeup by Violet Zeng Hair by Linus Johansson Nails by Jess Ciesco Casting by Studio Bajek Model Catherine Lewis @ Linden Staub Retouch by Kat Pitt Photographer’s assistant Dasza Wasiak Styling assistants Teiphaine Bovet & Hayley Bevan Production assistant Alicja Domanska
  • Follow the White Rabbit
    Follow the White RabbitEditorial for Overdue Magazine. Very pleased to have contribited to this great project. Amazing work from all involved! Photographer AnneMarie Sterian ( @annemariesterian ) Art director: Tess Savina ( @tesssavina ) Stylist: Natalie Yuksel ( @natalie_yuksel ) Model: Catherine Lewis ( @catherinesarahlewis ) Casting: Studio Bajek ( @studiobajek ) Make-up artist: Violet Zeng ( @violetz_mua) Hair stylist: Linus Johansson ( @hairbylinus ) Nail artist: Jessica Ciesco ( @matteabout_nai
    FOR ART'S SAKESome of the work made for my internship including, posters, lookbooks, store banners, optical menus, newsletters etc
  • Thread Tales Co. Campaign
    Thread Tales Co. CampaignCommercial Styling for sustainable brand Thread Tales Co.
Work history
    Studio OwnerShutterhouse
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Independent Business Owner Shutter House is a restored 19th century Warehouse converted in a photographic and filming studio space, located in North London.
  • Adobe Lightroom Photoshop
  • Studio Lighting
  • Lighting
  • Camera and Lighting
  • Continuous Lighting
  • Photographic Lighting
  • Photography
  • Photography Film and Darkroom Skills
  • Darkroom Printing
  • Film Photography
    DiplomaLiceo Artistico A. Modigliani
     - Padua, Italy
    The Liceo Artistico is the highest academic institution with artistic specialization in Italian Education. In this type of school the core subjects are Architecture, Visual Arts, Sculpture and History of Art. Yet Italian Literature, Philosophy, History, English and Mathematics are very important.