Anup Sharma

Anup Sharma

Art, Design + Creative DirectionLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Nancy Cofie
Moses Wainaina
Anup Sharma

Anup Sharma

Art, Design + Creative DirectionLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hello, I'm Anup As a hands-on Creative Director, I am responsible for leading creative vision and building brand strategy, always with a focus on commercial objectives. I am passionate about the power of great design and nurture my teams with a very inclusive attitude to creative inspiration. I take time to recognise team skills and delegate appropriately, leading by example and employing a deliberate approach for all projects: First, I encourage intelligent analysis and original, inventive thinking. Next I oversee development and execution with a high level of craft, technical skill and material knowledge. I find that this two-sided process produces a deeper understanding and knowledge of a brief, defines a brand’s positioning clearly, creates an appropriate conceptual language, and delivers a beautifully finished result.
  • The Housing Emergency
    The Housing EmergencyWe are in a housing emergency. The pandemic has laid bare inequality in the UK, and we see the price being paid by our fellow citizens. Through these campaign films we aim to highlight the flight for housing equality.
  • Wonderbly rebrand
    Wonderbly rebrand
  • Harvey Nichols
    Harvey Nichols
+ Show more
Projects credited in
  • Music and foley for Wonderbly blog
    Music and foley for Wonderbly blogIn 2016/17 I scored a bunch of Wonderbly (formerly Lost My Name) blog videos. Silly little gifs, educational videos and recipes were seen by hundreds of thousands of parents and children. We tried to make music and foley that was witty but saccharin enough to appeal to children of all ages; and their parents. We had a big team producing videos, including Stephanie Johnston (direction/animation), Anna Brooks (direction), Joe Melhuish (animation), Olly Wright (production), Andy Whitlock (creative
Work history
    Creative Director
    Full Time
    MOO logo
    MOO logo
    Creative DirectorMOO
     - Full Time
  • Advertising
  • Film
  • TV
  • Art Direction
  • Copywriting
  • Digital
  • Design
  • Creative Direction
  • Print Campaigns
  • Brand Strategy
    BA (Hons) Visual Communication
    Birmingham, United Kingdom