Anya Palamartschuk

Anya Palamartschuk

ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Nisha Whittingham
Ashley Bazuaye
Isobel Jones
Anya Palamartschuk

Anya Palamartschuk

ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am a non-binary multi-disciplinary visual artist with British, Ukrainian and Spanish roots. My practice centres on creating projection mazes that combine installation and imagery for an audience to walk within. Playing with scale and gravity, these spaces transform 2D audio-visuals into 3D labyrinths that abstract the rules of the world in order to invite new realities, championing queerness, re-wilding the body, offering spaces of healing in nature and allowing an audience to forget the world behind them. I have undertaken residencies with RARA studios London 2022, Robot Theatre Lab ARE Holland 2023 and In The Soil Arts Festival Canada 2023 to develop my wax sculptures, technical processes and projection installations. I have exhibited my work at Christie’s exhibition ‘Un/Sense’ 2022, Ugly Duck’s ‘@Disturbance 2’ 2021, Queer Circle 2022, Qwe're 2022 and Brighton Fringe 2022. I was also short-listed for the New Emergence Art Prize in 2021 and received the Nagoya University Incentive Award 2019 for ‘Wander Through the Shifting Lines’, a maze that explored the spatial and sculptural potential of moving image. I collaborated in creating ‘Hyper Functional, Ultra Healthy’ Sound Workshop with Vivienne Griffin at Somerset House, and have facilitated workshops at LungA Arts Festival Iceland and the Tate Exchange. Recently, I was the designer and co-executive editor of the 80 page publication archiving the LGBTQIA+ residency and showcase @Disturbance. For my sound work, I was short-listed for the Future Artefacts Award, 2022.
Work history
    Somerset House logo
    Somerset House logo
    Workshop CollaboratorSomerset House
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    Recently I worked with Vivienne Griffin at Somerset House as a collaborator in her workshop ‘Hyper Functional, Extra Healthy.’ The workshop was an alternative vocal experience, exploring warm ups and creating experimental musical dialogues with the public.
    Lighthouse logo
    Lighthouse logo
     - Brighton, United KingdomFreelance
    During the Brighton Digital Art Festival, I was invigilating the show at Lighthouse. This involved explaining the pieces to the public and monitoring the work, for instance working the busy private view and explaining a VR experience to the public and ensuring their safety throughout the experience.
  • Client Liaison
  • Teamworking
  • Organisation
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Filmmaking
  • Microsoft Office
  • Research
  • Art History
  • Risk Assessment
  • Promotional Activities
    BA(Hons) Fine Art SculptureThe University of Brighton
     - Brighton, United Kingdom
    As I studied one year of BA Illustration & two years of BA Sculpture, I have a varied range of skills in researching, curating, installing shows, putting on group exhibitions, promoting work, drawing, fundraising, working with the public, running workshops and using Abode software.
    Incentive AwardThe University of Brighton
    Nagoya University Incentive Award Winner