Archie Yates

Archie Yates

London, United Kingdom
+ Info


Harriet Ellisdon
Isaac Adeniyi
Paul Hames
Archie Yates

Archie Yates

London, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Top 50 companies to work for in 2021
    Top 50 companies to work for in 2021Looking to kickstart or pivot your career in 2021? We’ve put together a list of 50 top companies to work for! We formulated this list by using insights from the popularity of companies and the jobs they post on The Dots, topped off with a dash of our team’s wisdom and a good mix of brilliant charities and pro-social companies. Be sure to follow your favourites to stay up to date with their events and all-important job opportunities!
  • Nikky Lyle Creative presents with Industry Leaders
    Nikky Lyle Creative presents with Industry Leaders
  • Top 50 Companies to work for in 2020
    Top 50 Companies to work for in 2020This New Year, do you want to nab that dream job? Well, to kick off 2020 we’ve put together a list of 50 top companies to work for! In order to connect you to lots of brilliant opportunities this year, we formulated this list by asking the community, using insights from company follows, topped off with a dash of our team’s wisdom! Make sure to follow companies that you’re interested in, to stay up to date with events and all-important job opportunities!