Arjan van Woensel

Arjan van Woensel

Art DirectorMangawhai, New Zealand
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Charlie Jones
Chloe Rose
Arjan van Woensel

Arjan van Woensel

Art DirectorMangawhai, New Zealand
About me
Erstwhile ad-man, visual artist, fierce mountain runner, collector of fine books, amateur historian on maps and explorers, olive oil farmer, and Zentrepreneur.
  • Pixel portraits
    Pixel portraitsThe Victorian Pixel Portraits are made of thousands of little strokes of ink that meditate on the soul of a picture. Exposing light in between the strokes as a system is a rough translation of the chemical process of photography. The recumbent strokes, at first seen as digital noise, now create anti-photos that provoke greater questions about the social and inspirational role of photography and its potential to provide a direct visual experience. This work is partly inspired by the mechanics o