Ashley Dutton

Ashley Dutton

London, United Kingdom
+ Info


Giorgio Gremigni
Roberta Davies-Schmidt
Em Cole
Ashley Dutton

Ashley Dutton

London, United Kingdom
About me
Hello My name is Ashley, Here is my experience: At age 16 I worked as an intern for the record promotion company Ask Me PR. In that role, I worked as an assistant to the company director, Liam Walsh. Between the ages of 17 - 19, I worked as an intern for the record label Modern English Music in Manchester, working on promoting a musician, Thallie Ann Seenyen. I was tasked with helping construct her brand narrative as well as tracking her online data. I tracked which bloggers and radio pluggers she interacted with, which words she used, which words they used, and which songs they liked. With this data, I could rewrite emails, determine which bloggers could be classified as her fans, and I could also design several spreadsheets, with each spreadsheet corresponding to a different data set, and a different set of actions that we could take. Now at age 22, I'm about to finish my degree in Anthropology and Media at Goldsmiths, The University Of London. During my time at university, I completed several activities alongside my degree. I started an online blog, I was a member of the social committee for my halls of residence, and I collected several together several data sets, including data sets detailing which cameras were used on certain films, which songs were played most frequently by certain radio presenters, and many other data sets that I am happy to go through upon request.
  • Decision Making Infographic
    Decision Making InfographicI designed an infographic detailing the stages of an effective decision making process, as described by the psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Philip Tetlock. This was a personal project, and one that I completed to satisfy my curiosity.
  • Advertising
  • Film
  • Marketing PR
  • Design
  • Illustrator
  • Indesign
  • Photoshop
    First Class Honours
    I received a first class honours for my final year dissertation.