Asimina Hollingworth

Asimina Hollingworth

IllustratorKingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
+ Info


Fan Jiang
Amelia Yolland
Iram Shahjahan
Asimina Hollingworth

Asimina Hollingworth

IllustratorKingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
About me
I makeeeee comics and I paintttttt and I design coverssssss and draw editorial stufffff. My comics have been sold at Gosh! Comics and GoodPress, and I have been shortlisted for the Penguin Cover Design Award in the Children’s category.
  • I'm made of baggage
    I'm made of baggageInteractive tactile briefcase project with handmade felt toys and found objects
  • TWERP #1
    TWERP #1An autobiography comic documenting my year starting in 2022
  • Penguin Design Award
    Penguin Design AwardDesigning a cover in the Children's category, 'Murder Most Unladylike', by Robin Stevens!
Work history
    Peer Mentor
    Kingston School of Art logo
    Kingston School of Art logo
    Illustration AnimationKingston School of Art
    Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom