ayeshia khan

ayeshia khan

Make-up ArtistSouthampton, United Kingdom
+ Info


Isaac Tinoco
Paige Lansdown
Pip Jamieson
ayeshia khan

ayeshia khan

Make-up ArtistSouthampton, United Kingdom
About me
I am a editorial, commercial and Special effects makeup artist located in the UK. my progressive approach to design and artistry is incomparable resulting in original Editorial and SFX designs. my vision as a hair and makeup designer and artist is to create unique cutting-edge makeup designs with professional level application for screen and print media. My mission is to creative fascinating new age designs amongst other inventive creatives that provoke and inspire others. A piece of art, a Tv show or film can inspire a revolution, an ideologist changes in the masses or simply an escape from reality, I want to be apart of that.
  • rotten roots
    rotten roots
Work history
    Make-up ArtistThe Mayflower Theatre
    Southampton, United KingdomInternship
    As a makeup artist for the theatre production of "Legally Blonde," I had the opportunity to create a range of makeup looks, from simple to glamorous, The purpose of theatre makeup is to define and exaggerate the features of the actor so that they are visible under bright stage lights, and to create a cohesive aesthetic for the character. Working on this production allowed me to improve my skills under pressure, as I had to complete 3-5 makeup looks on the same models in just one hour. To meet this challenge, I remained calm and professional, and tried my best to work as efficiently as possible. Working on the same actors over the course of the six-day production also helped me develop my continuity skills, as I had to repeat the same looks every evening. Overall, this was a valuable and informative experience that has given me a deeper understanding of the world of theatre.
    production assistantSeeds of Colour
    Southampton, United KingdomInternship
    As a placement this year I worked for an upcoming makeup brand Seeds of colour. My job was to keep the production running smoothly, assistant to creative director and art director. Responsibilities including assisting models from location to location, adjusting the set, collecting props and keeping communication between supervisors and everyone else for a smooth running campaign. Whether that be steaming clothing, adjusting models’ makeup and clothes and cleaning.
  • Creative Design
  • Creative Makeup
  • Hair Design
  • Art Directing
  • Creative Direction
    DegreeSolent University (The Institute)
    Southampton, United Kingdom
    creative hair and makeup design
    Level 3 Diploma / Foundation in Art and DesignReading College
    Reading, United Kingdom