Aymeric Delattre

Project ManagerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info



Aymeric Delattre

Project ManagerLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Hive (British Gas) BAU + Campaigns
    Hive (British Gas) BAU + CampaignsAllTogetherNow and CHI&Partners would jointly manage the client - Hive, British Gas' smart home technology. As content creative I fed into creative campaigns such as "You're never far from home" shown right.  More regularly, I produced monthly BAU content for social media that would reflect 'human truths' around the family home, British weather and culture.
  • Hive watch app
    Hive watch app
  • British Gas - website copy
    British Gas - website copyWriting new copy for the moving home sections of the British Gas website, as well as rewriting existing copy to make it fit in with the brand's tone of voice guidelines.