Benn Klewpatinond

Benn Klewpatinond

Product Realisation PartnerUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
David Weatherhead
Pete Mo
Benn Klewpatinond

Benn Klewpatinond

Product Realisation PartnerUnited Kingdom
About me
Your Product Realisation Partner - working with you to turn your new product ideas or business ideas into tangible and commercially viable products and solutions. I support you on every stage of New Product Development, from ideation to setting up manufacturing your supply chain. I'm Benn Klewpatinond BSc(Hons) MA MIED, a highly driven, imaginative and technically skilled individual, who is passionate about breaking down stereotypes and including all types of users through the use of design and engineering. Creative and innovative thinking coupled with understanding the role of design within the commercial environment, form a well rounded designer, engineer and entrepreneur - one who is able to take an idea right through from inception to launch. Whether these ideas become high-value low-volume or low-value high-volume products, innovative thinking has been proven through the inventorship of patents and creation of intellectual property. With over 15 years of experience and through leading the management and strategy development of key design and innovation projects, I have exceptional organisational and planning skills. Working confidently with well developed interpersonal and communications skills, formed through creating, leading and managing teams within various organisations and cultures, have proven to significantly enhance the development process and supported the creation of award winning products.
  • FloatRower
    FloatRowerThe rowing machine that rolls and pitches with every stroke, just like the motion of a boat on water. It’s the closest you’ll get to an authentic rowing experience, on dry land. The monorail, seat, footplates and resistance are all built to emulate the feel and movement of a floating rowing boat – from the roll and pitch that make you work to control your balance, to the dual resistance that perform like independent oars. Train alone, compete with friends, and get live feedback as you row – Fl
Projects credited in
  • FloatRower
    FloatRowerThe rowing machine that rolls and pitches with every stroke, just like the motion of a boat on water. It’s the closest you’ll get to an authentic rowing experience, on dry land. The monorail, seat, footplates and resistance are all built to emulate the feel and movement of a floating rowing boat – from the roll and pitch that make you work to control your balance, to the dual resistance that perform like independent oars. Train alone, compete with friends, and get live feedback as you row – Fl