Brandon Saunders

Brandon Saunders

Digital ArtistNewcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
+ Info


Jessie Gaffney
Kashika Kabeya
Filype Marques
Brandon Saunders

Brandon Saunders

Digital ArtistNewcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
About me
My name is Brandon, I am a digital artist with over 5 years of experience and is absolutely in love with everything unorthodox and experimental. My skills include illustration all the way to coding but will learn a new skill just to make sure the client has something unique to them. As a musician myself I understand the importance of having an album cover reflect your style and will work very closely with you to make sure you're happy with the outcome. Proflie Image taken by "Theo Deproost" Link to his website:
  • Grandcois X Jawara Alleyne (mafcsm20)
    Grandcois X Jawara Alleyne (mafcsm20)Brought some of Jawara's amazing (mafcsm20) pieces into 3d space.
  • Māgoa Magazine Visuals (Issue 3 Winter 2021)
    Māgoa Magazine Visuals (Issue 3 Winter 2021)Created some animations and face filters for Māgoa Magazine (Issue 3 Winter 2021).
  • Grandçois x Casey Doran 2020
    Grandçois x Casey Doran 2020Visual collaboration with Atlanta based photographer Casey Doran. More of his photography here:
  • PBDY Visual Audio Set (The Hit December 2020)
    PBDY Visual Audio Set (The Hit December 2020)Visuals I had the privilege of doing for PBDY's set on The Hit (Brainfeeder).
  • Vayne - Havntr
    Vayne - HavntrAlbum Cover I had the pleasure of doing for music artist Havntr.
  • "I Luv KY" 2020 Merch Ad
    "I Luv KY" 2020 Merch Ad3d merch ads for YNC.
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Projects credited in
  • 2019 Trend Collages
    2019 Trend CollagesA collaborative piece on 2019 fashion trends for Newcastle University Fashion Society.
  • Be The Cowboy
    Be The CowboyEditorial for Newcastle University Fashion Society, inspired by Lil Nas X and Orville Peck, in collaboration with the fashion brand 'Just Harry designs'. Creative direction, styling & writing - Jagoda Waszkowiak Model - Daniel Ifayemi Photography & design - Brandon Saunders
  • Northumbia University Fashion Graduates 2019 Interview
    Northumbia University Fashion Graduates 2019 InterviewAn interview with three of the 2019 Fashion Design Graduates from Northumbria University - Jacob Arkell, Charlie Kelly and Katie Unsworth. Writing and pictures provided by Jagoda Waszkowiak. The experimental magazine layout by Brandon Saunders.
Work history
    Apple logo
    Apple logo
    (Apple Music France) Animation CommissionApple
    • Communicated with the video editors to produce a 4K render that could be played in public settings. • Followed the guidelines required to create a final product that honored the logo and brand as a whole. • Developed the regular habit of sending pre-visuals so the client knew exactly what the final product would look like.
    Art DirectorTAR
     - Los Angeles, United StatesFreelance
    • Provide visual direction for promotional material and TAR’s various signed artists. • Work in a myriad of visual languages and styles to create a diverse catalog of album covers and music videos. • Communicate with publishing companies to organize effective rollout campaigns that are in line with the artist’s wishes. Relevant Links:
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  • Adobe Suite
  • Blender 3D
  • Sculpting
  • Film Scoring
  • Graphic Design
  • Sound Art
  • 3D Animation
    MFAUniversity of Oxford
    Oxford, United Kingdom
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) Newcastle University
    Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
    Pat Ashley PrizeThe University of Newcastle
    Emerging Artist Award (First Runner Up)National Gallery of the Cayman Islands
    link to exhibition:
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