Brendan Howell

Brendan Howell

Art DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
NoOne Angela & Luca
Asharn Porter
Brendan Howell

Brendan Howell

Art DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hello. I'm one half of a freelance creative team currently living and working in London. During our time together in adland we’ve used films, apps, games, music videos and beer to get people’s attention. Outside of adland we’ve used beer, music and BASE jumping to get people’s attention. We’re very sociable so if you’d like to chat about any, or all, of these things please give us a shout.
Projects credited in
  • Samsung loyalty programme
    Samsung loyalty programmeWe developed a loyalty programme to help Samsung Members do more of what they love with rewards and weekly inspiration in four passion areas: photography, wellbeing, entertainment and life hacks.