

ArtistBerlin, Germany
+ Info


Sima Mohamed
Lennox Forster
Maria Savu


ArtistBerlin, Germany
About me
I am an artist and creative, please contact me for my complete CV.
  • 9:25 am - MessageBoard2000
    9:25 am - MessageBoard2000MessageBoard2000 is a musical love letter to internet forums, a forgotten communication medium from the pre-social media era! This webcore / NEO Y2K album lets you float through the forgotten cyberscapes from the old web.
  • Virtual Extrovert: Ode to the Internet
    Virtual Extrovert: Ode to the InternetVirtual spoken word poem dedicated to the internet. I originally wrote this poem in Dutch as part of a performance project for Theater Utrecht back in 2018, I had an English version and decided to go for a more digital direction to make it suit the internet theme more.
  • I wake up, take a shower
    I wake up, take a showerSpoken word performance, originally written during the Lockdown project in 2019 as part of the Antwerp Museum night where performers, artists, and makers from Manchester, Tilburg, Warsaw, and Antwerp were locked into various museums in the city for 24 hours to create a performance for the Museum Night. I spent 24 hours in the MAS museum in Antwerp where we used an exhibition about rituals as our inspiration for the performance.
  • windows media playa
    windows media playaA thread
  • 9:25 am - Class Of '97
    9:25 am - Class Of '97Utopia Virtual Vaporwave/Webcore album about a fictional university, inspired by the music of old school video games.
  • Arctic ❄° - Snowpunk
    Arctic ❄° - SnowpunkExperimental Avant-Garde Soundscape album created using field recordings of snow. Snowpunk lets you wake up in a dystopian ice age where winter and blizzards are the only known seasons to mankind, Every track feels colder than the one prior.
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Work history
    Artist in ResidenceKulturschöpfer
     - Berlin, GermanyFull Time
    Part of the 8th IN//BETWEEN residency at the Green Hill Gallery in Berlin
    Content Creator - HZTeamHet Zuidelijk Toneel
     - Tilburg, NetherlandsFreelance
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  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Video Art
  • Sound Design
  • Music Production
  • Idea Generation
  • Abstract
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) Willem de Kooning Academy
     - Rotterdam, Netherlands
    (De)Fine Art